Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Speech and Language Processing 2nd Edition, Jurafsky

Speech and Language Processing 2nd Edition: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition PDF Download Ebook. Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin describe empirical approach to the subject, based on applying statistical and other machine-learning algorithms to large corporations.

This text builds each chapter around one or more worked examples demonstrating the main idea of the chapter, using the examples to illustrate the relative strengths and weaknesses of various approaches. It adds coverage of statistical sequence labeling, information extraction, question answering and summarization, advanced topics in speech recognition, speech synthesis.

This book revises coverage of language modeling, formal grammars, statistical parsing, machine translation, and dialog processing. It is useful reference for professionals in any of the areas of speech and language processing. The book is primarily intended for use in a graduate or advanced undergraduate course or sequence. Because of its comprehensive coverage and the large number of algorithms, the book is also useful as a reference for students and professionals in any of the areas of speech and language processing.

The book is divided into four parts in addition to an introduction and end matter. Part I, "Words", introduces concepts related to the processing of words: phonetics, phonology, morphology, and algorithms used to process them: finite automata, finite transducers, weighted transducers, N-grams, and Hidden Markov Models.

Part II, "Syntax", introduces parts-of-speech and phrase structure grammars for English and gives essential algorithms for processing word classes and structured relationships among words: part-of-speech taggers based on HMMs and transformation-based learning, the CYK and Earley algorithms for parsing, unification and typed feature structures, lexicalized and probabilistic parsing, and analytical tools like the Chomsky hierarchy and the pumping lemma.

Part III, "Semantics", introduces first order predicate calculus and other ways of representing meaning, several approaches to compositional semantic analysis, along with applications to information retrieval, information extraction, speech understanding, and machine translation.

Part IV, "Pragmatics", covers reference resolution and discourse structure and coherence, spoken dialogue phenomena like dialogue and speech act modeling, dialogue structure and coherence, and dialogue managers, as well as a comprehensive treatment of natural language generation and of machine translation.

More details about this book...


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